The Hobby Jogger Podcast
Welcome to The Hobby Jogger Podcast, where elite athletes and ham-and-eggers lace up their stories. We explore the common ground that running creates from the world-class runner to the hobbyist hitting the pavement, trail or treadmill. Expect a blend of inspiration, laughter and the shared joy that makes every step count. Join us on this journey, where every run is a story worth sharing.
The Hobby Jogger Podcast
E36 | Year-End Wrap-Up: Unforgettable Moments and Guests on Hobby Jogger
Join us as we look back on a year filled with unforgettable moments on the Hobby Jogger podcast. We also shine a light on the dynamic figures who enriched our podcast with their passion and resilience. As we wrap up the year, we're reminded of the camaraderie and friendships that make the Hobby Jogger podcast not just a platform, but a passionate community.
Thank you for listening to this episode of the Hobby Jogger. I am Casey Koza. I am the host. I am joined this week by two co-hosts, two guests, one and the same. I have as usual with me Mr Rob Myers. Rob, how are you doing today?
Rob Myers:I'm doing well, yeah, dealing with the winter blast that hit the southeast in Tennessee. Stuck on the mountain for two days, but now we can get down.
Casey Koza:I was just going to ask did you get off the mountain? Last time I talked to you, you were talking about maybe going down. You had concepts to go down the mountain, but yeah, I went down today.
Rob Myers:It was pretty fun this morning Watching all of the brave souls try to go down the mountain and there were winners and there were losers. I enjoyed the watch.
Casey Koza:Like any game, there were winners and there were losers. I enjoyed the watch. Yeah, like any game, there is winners and there is losers. We're also joined by our producer today, mr David Moore. David, thanks for joining on the show, not just listening with your blank screen. We appreciate you coming on here and talking with us.
David Moore:Good to be on Casey Nice to join you guys on this side.
Casey Koza:It's fun to have you out here talking with us. Good to be on Casey Nice to join you guys on this side. It's fun to have you out here talking with us.
David Moore:Yeah, yeah, here in Ohio still hiding indoors mostly. I know, Casey, you escaped down to Florida, got away from the snow and the cold.
Casey Koza:Yeah, I had to leave. Me and the mayor of Akron are locked in a bitter dispute over whether my street should be plowed or not. And he seems to be winning because the street is not being plowed, as much as I complain, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. So, yes, he has won this round. And I, yeah, admiral opponent, I guess. Uh, he's getting the best of me. So, yeah, I'm down here in Florida, where there is no snow. Keep swinging, keep swinging. Hey, that's, that's one thing I always do, rob. I always keep swinging.
David Moore:So maybe a future episode live at city hall would would do something for us.
Casey Koza:Yeah, maybe we'll see if he wants to come on the show. Seamus, if you're listening, uh, I, I hopefully he's a runner. I mean he he's. He's free to come on. It'd be cool to have the mayor Akron on. I do give him a hard time and, hey look, I am not a road expert. I don't understand the complexities of plowing. Yeah, here we are. I'm in Florida. What we're doing today is we're wrapping up our year. We're going to go over what we feel like were our favorite guests not necessarily the best guests, but what we feel like we're our maybe best episodes, most informative episodes, most entertaining episodes. Maybe we'll give a special award for my worst opening of the season. Let's start it off. Let's go to you, david, let's what was your? Are we going to do top four? Top four episodes each. I feel like that's pretty good. Top four, yeah.
David Moore:I have four, so I split it into two. So we have the episodes that are just entertainment and then we have the episodes that hopefully everybody will learn something from. I'm going to go way back for one of my favorites of the educational variety and that's episode 03. Episode 03 was Ellen Landis, so we talked nutrition I think Casey, you were on, that was back we had Nathan Reyes as the co-host and it's one I just I just really enjoyed, I think it's. You know, we're still kind of finding our way, finding our format, but Ellen was fantastic, shared some good information that I still try to use in my nutrition, in my own diet, things I do in my own plant.
Casey Koza:Yeah, she's a great follow on social media as well. I follow her. Ellen was awesome, great episode. If you want to go back and listen it was almost exactly a year ago. Yep almost exactly one year ago, january 16th. That was the publish date. Rob, who do you have as number four?
Rob Myers:It was tough. I spent a lot of time going back to the list. But number four I have Dr Bonnie. Dr Bonnie, episode 22. We've had a lot of very smart people on the podcast and she was dropping a lot of new knowledge to me and a lot of things I wasn't aware of and I learned a ton. And what was interesting is everything we covered, I think, every injury I've experienced in my running career. Very fun person. I love that. She was very matter of fact but at the same time she had a great sense of humor. So Dr Bonnie was number four for me.
Casey Koza:Yeah, dr Bonnie. Still it seems to be one of our most highly regarded episodes. Terrific, terrific guest. I probably got more text message comments from the Dr Bonnie episode. Not a fan of Hoka, I appreciate that, which was awesome. And yeah, that's another one, her and Ellen. I would like to have back on. Maybe we'll do it soon, but just kind of an update to see where things are and maybe see if we can take a little bit direction with them. But yeah, she's awesome, great physical therapist. I know we've had listeners go to Dr Bonnie trying to help them out with some problems. So glad we could be instrumental in that we should have a panel episode.
Rob Myers:Invite all the medical professionals that we've had on the show, ask them all the same question. I'm guessing we'll get different answers. It'd be a lot of fun, are we allowed?
Casey Koza:to do that. Does our insurance cover that?
Rob Myers:I have to look at the policy, but I think so.
David Moore:Could be some chaos in motion in that one.
Casey Koza:Yeah, probably some good arguments. So my number four was Ryan Thrower. I like it anytime we have people that have built something, that create something, and you kind of get to explore how they look at things like that. And you know, Ryan and the work that he's done with Free Trail, the kind of montages he puts together online, done a great job with Free Trail and was a really fun episode to do. Super nice guy. Phillies yeah, Not a big Phillies fan, you know I'm from Pittsburgh, but I do like whenever we play the Phillies and it's the, they call it the poop series because the Philly P, the Pittsburgh P and it's zero, zero. Yeah, I know it's kind of juvenile but very fun. But, yeah, Ryan Thrower, my number four episode I like the creative mind and everything that goes into that.
David Moore:You guys got to talk a little bit of music in that as well. Casey, I know you and you and Ryan have similar tastes in music genre.
Casey Koza:Yeah, yeah, definitely. We do. You know, anytime I get to talk about enema of the state and take off your pants and jacket, an episode it's going to be a favorite of mine so, yeah, ryan thrower, that's number four for me and hopefully get to watch him this year. Continue to do great things on free trail. We're on to number three. David, who do you have as your number three episode?
David Moore:So we've checked off my number three. We may have some more repeats here, but I had Bonnie Wilder as well. I thought that was a great episode. As far as the educational went, you know, I kind of had two educational and two just what I felt were entertaining episodes, and Bonnie Wilder was certainly an educational one. Same as Rob said, I had experienced a lot of those injuries myself. I know we did a follow-up the next week and talked through some of those injuries that we'd had and what we had done to, I guess, get ourselves past those. But certainly Bonnie's advice was better than ours. Yeah, incredible information that she came on and shared with us those. But certainly Bonnie's advice was was better than ours.
Casey Koza:Yeah, incredible, uh, information that that she came on and shared with us yeah, for sure, and yeah, just reiterate the the Dr Bonnie episode that's something we kind of I guess some people overlook a little bit is the like, the physical therapy aspect of running, like yeah, you do pile up injuries and need to overcome them and take care of your body, and just even the information that I get from her on Instagram is awesome, so I certainly understand why, she's making some top fours.
Rob Myers:Rob, who do you have? Well, at some point we need to check out her practice. Like, if we're ever in the area for a race, just stop in, visit the brick and mortar, say hi. Yeah, Just stop in, visit the brick and mortar, Say hi.
Casey Koza:Yeah, I agree, I would definitely do it. I she's up in Connecticut, I believe. Correct, yeah.
Rob Myers:Yeah, so maybe, maybe if we get to a new Hampshire we're on jigger Johnson. It's not too far away yeah.
Casey Koza:Stop and get my back cracked. There you go. Yeah, we're going to need it. Yeah, most likely going to need it if we go up and do the Jigger Johnson. But TBD, tbd, that's. That'll be on our schedule for 2025, this year, so, so my number three again super tough, uh.
Rob Myers:Tabor and Eli. Episode seven yes, that was a fun episode. I mean their story growing up on the ranch. Well, you know, tabor growing up on the ranch and then returning. You know, they're almost like it was like a superhero story, right, they go off and they're crazy fast. They run these incredible races, um, you know, taking top five, uh, taking the number one spot many, many times for Eli and then going back to the ranch Just that episode was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. And I also feel that, even though they were on the scene when they did the podcast, it felt like they were at the beginning of kind of the next step in their journey, right, as far as bigger races, getting that top five, top 10, taking the gold. It was a fun episode, I enjoyed it.
David Moore:I'll jump in there, rob, that you actually took my number two episode as well on in your three spots. So I agree. Uh, tabor and eli were were incredible and it's really cool to have a couple on. That's a couple in racing that I think at the time we were calling them one of the fastest couples on the planet, and probably not far off from being true. We got to see them in person when we were out. What was it? Black Canyon right Last year, where Eli took first and then, not long after, they both went out and crushed it at Big Alta. Yeah, I agree with Rob, completely Fantastic episode at Big Alta. Yeah, I agree with Rob, completely A fantastic episode. Just amazing folks to talk with and see them out there just doing what they love to do and having fun with it.
Casey Koza:Yeah, I mean, I'm a big fan of both of them. I'm very disappointed in the voters of the free trail performance of the year that did not put Eli into the I would say top three from winning OCC. Put Eli into the I would say top three from winning OCC. But you know, hey, it is what it is Voters vote how they feel. I feel like this year, though, eli is definitely set. I know he's in the black Canyons 100 K. I'm looking forward to him. I think he'll win a golden ticket there. I have no doubt. That seems like you know. Talking to him last year on the episode, that seems like his kind of trail, exactly what he enjoys running. I feel like we're going to get to see him at Western state. So looking for bigger and better things from from Eli and you know Tabor, phenomenal runner herself, you know maybe had a little bit of a rougher year.
Casey Koza:You know maybe had a little bit of a rougher year and that's in comparison to Eli who had, I think, a top three year. So looking forward to her doing big things. She's going to be in contention at OCC and you know she's going to run all the big I guess, 50k type races this year for the women. So I look forward to watching Tabor as well. For my number three pick I have Bill Armstrong of Never Second. I thought that was a very informative episode as well as, again, I kind of want to understand a little bit better how they did it, why they did it and the thought process behind it. So Bill Armstrong of Never Second is my number three.
David Moore:Yeah, I agree there, that one wasn't on my list. It was so recent that we had 38 episodes, 35, 38 episodes, maybe 35 episodes. That was a recent one, so it was top of mind fantastic episode. And I'm with you, like, product aside, just getting to dive into Bill's mind and his prior career and the business that he and his wife had built and hearing he tried retirement for a year and said, hey, I wake up in the morning and nobody's calling me, nobody's looking for me and I get that Casey, you're an entrepreneur too. As people who like to be busy and find joy in doing that, it was fun hearing Bill's story on just finding the joy and starting something new, the reasons he found it, the problem that he saw that was out there in the industry to start and the approach that he took science first. It was a great story.
Rob Myers:Agree, that was a fun one. My favorite part of the episode is when Bill was really digging into all the different conversations he had with his mad scientist and like where they're going in the science first constantly. And you hear that a lot from other companies. But you know, look on the back of the box, look at the ingredients. You, you know there's a lot of them that you could just pull the package out, put it in a different box. It's the same stuff, right. That science first approach, really focusing on his mad scientist, what he's done in his career, what he brings to the table and leading with that was very cool. You could tell the guy was in it because he loved it. You know he was already successful once. To your point, dave. You know he didn't need to do it again, so it was cool.
Casey Koza:Yeah.
Rob Myers:Went back in to succeed so yeah, that's my number.
Casey Koza:My number three, david. Rhonda number two who do you have?
David Moore:My number two is Tabor and Eli Hemming. So I'm gonna I'm gonna jump to to my number one. Maybe I'll find an honorable mention for for next time around. Uh, my number one I'm gonna say it was Connie Gardner, episode 32.
David Moore:That was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun and that's part of it. I mean, we're a big part of why we're doing this. We have fun, we get to come on, enjoy it, meet great people and when it was, one that you know was a local person and I had met Connie before a couple of times.
David Moore:But to go down and spend some time with Connie and Nikki and, you know, hang out in the Thirsty Dog Brewery, which is such a cool, just site and building in story in and of itself, but to spend some time with them, share a couple of years, um, kind of again, we're just lucky.
David Moore:A local legend, not a local legend, a legend in ultra running and now in the ultra running hall of fame. Uh, really special to have her here, local and be able to spend some time, get to know her better and and um, and we'll continue to to see her and hopefully spend time with them just running local races. Going to the, the Walmsley 5 am track workouts with with Connie and Nikki, hope to join some of those when it's not 10 degrees out in the morning. Maybe I'll be a springtime runner of those not not so much in the winter, but yeah, behind the scenes, one of the most difficult uh editing projects we had, I starting in the brewery, first one we did on location with equipment we hadn't really tested out anywhere but in our own quiet environments through our Zoom calls. But fantastic time putting it together and really good episode at the end of the day.
Rob Myers:Yeah, I agree that was fun. I mean, when you popped out of the editing studio I could see the look on your face and you're like we got to do it again. We need more. So we knew it was an important episode because it's Connie, because she's the local legend, and yeah, it was fun. It was fun. I think it turned out really well, even though it was challenging.
Casey Koza:Yeah, yeah, definitely challenging, and you two do a great job of the editing and handling the audio. So that resides with with the two of you. But, and I'm sure the challenges of recording it in a brewery which was just basically an old warehouse in the middle of Akron above an aqueduct Very cool aqueduct, by the way um were were were significant. So yeah yeah, connie, that was fun episode.
Casey Koza:We, we drank a lot of beer that evening and and we got it free from thirsty dog. Shout out thirsty dog Uh, we appreciate what you do. And shout out Nikki, nikki, uh, nikki, having us there and allowing us to use the brewery was was very nice of her and awesome, yeah. So friend of the show, nikki, and friend of the show, connie, great episode. Yeah, david, I, I definitely agree that was. That was the most fun we ever had recording, for sure, that's as far as fun recording, that's's number one, without a doubt. Great, yeah, I appreciate it, connie. And yeah, now consider her a friend and you know we've made a lot of friends this year, for sure, where we go to these things and see people and know people, and it's pretty cool. Let's see when are we at. Rob, you're up.
Rob Myers:Episode number two. As we get closer to one to one becomes a little more challenging. Um, for episode number two, uh, I have episode 26 the race directors for the laurel highlands. Yeah, that was a fun one. I went back and listened to that, uh, earlier today and it was great. And you know, I don't know if it's just because of the episode or because of the two amazing guests we have, or because it's laurel highlands and we run that race every single year and it's one of my favorites, but uh, yeah, from start to finish it was great. I really enjoyed it. It was great to hear kind of their origin story right, not the origin story of the race, but when they took over as owners and during COVID, some of the troubles they ran into early on winning over the locals. It was just a, it was a great story. And the fact that we've run it so many times that race and we know it so well. The town yeah, that was my number two Really enjoyed that episode.
Casey Koza:Yeah, ton of fun, of fun. I mean we talk about that race non-stop here because it's my every year. I will go back there in some capacity, whether it's helping at an aid station sweeping. I will be involved in some way with with that race and it's my local where I grew up. Hometown race and you, I, I want to see it always be successful and they were awesome they were. They were really cool and we appreciate them coming on. It's been. You know it's been tough to get race directors on and Dan and Jim came on no problem and answered any questions we had. There was no script that they needed to be beholden to.
Casey Koza:And I really respected that. And I respect the race and I respect everything the race is. And yeah, it was was thrilling and I'm glad they have the. What do they call it? The, the fall classic.
David Moore:Yeah, hints of possibly an out and back in someday in the fall. Classic on the 70 miles, so 140 mile out and back.
Casey Koza:It's in the works. It's in the work. So, yeah, that'll be up there with, like the coca dona 250, it'll be 140, but very brutal 140 miles so yeah, those guys were awesome and yeah, appreciate them coming on. Maybe we'll have them. I'm still looking. I'm looking for next year to do something, uh, hobby joggerish before laurel highlands someone you know, maybe have a couple people on for that because it is my favorite race and it's so much fun and glad to see it sold out within minutes of being open.
Rob Myers:So and they invited us to record on location live. Yep, maybe it won't be live, but at least on location. Yep, I don't know if we're mature enough to do anything live, but maybe someday.
David Moore:We are not equipped for live broadcast yet.
Casey Koza:We can't afford a dump button.
David Moore:yet, I guess, is what you're saying, we will be live on site, but our audience will not get live feed.
Rob Myers:Yeah, we're live with a two-week delay.
David Moore:Yes, it's as live, as we get a two-week delay, so yeah, always look forward to Laurel Highlands.
Casey Koza:Look forward to it next year. We'll be there in some capacity.
Casey Koza:We don't know, yet it's early in 2025. On to my number two. Also, something that I always like talking to is an athlete that I think is going to do greater things. So for my number two, I picked Abby Herring. She was the main nationals, collegiate nationals in cross country, qualified for Boston, and I look forward to her going on to do bigger and better things. Whether she wants to do marathons or ultras, I don't know I'm guessing down there in Huntington her friends that she runs with down there. I'm hoping she goes towards the ultra scene, which I'm partial to. Would also be thrilled to see her take part and, uh, be an elite marathon runner, which I she clearly has the ability to do. So that was my number two and, like I said it, I always like to see an athlete like kind of, I guess, talk to them before they explode into great things. Not that she hasn't done great things already, because she has, but I think there's a lot more for for abby's future. So that was my number two.
David Moore:That was a great episode and you mentioned her doing some ultra running. She hinted at it in the episode and I can't see how it would go any other way with Coach Caleb Caleb Bowen, another friend of the show and a guest on an episode as well. Yeah, obviously Caleb in his own right in ultra running has carved a great path and I know they have a fantastic trail running community down down in Huntington.
Rob Myers:Yep, I agree it was a great episode. It was fun to talk to somebody as as young as her. You know kind of at the beginning so many possibilities. Got a great coach, she can do whatever she wants. Yep, whether she gets into trail running or not, maybe my guess is probably yeah, three years from now she'll be running 100 milers. But who knows, she can do whatever she wants.
Casey Koza:it was a fun episode and she's gonna be good at it, whatever. Whatever she decides to do, and I'll root for her. So, yeah, that was why she was my number two. It was awesome, uh, super cool and, yeah, just very excited to watch abby in the future and definitely also kind of running up to number two, her coach, caleb Bowen, friend of the show, been on the show. We thank Caleb for coming on Summit Western State, so he's kind of included in that. Now we get to our favorite episodes, best episodes. However you want to rank it, I don't know, david, what did you have as our number one episode?
David Moore:Jim Walmsley came on the show along with Will as co-host, so the twin Walmsley brothers. It was a special episode, may the 4th. We were at one point going to talk Star Wars. We thought that Jim Walsley knew a lot more about Star Wars. It turned out he was married on May the 4th and they did enjoy that. It was Star Wars related but wasn't entirely up on the trivia as we thought he would be, or his brother Will is, but certainly one worth listening to. Great episode, definitely one of the most entertaining three-minute openings of an episode that we have. So if you haven't listened to the the Jim Walmsley episode, that one's one to one to start with yeah, by far the most entertaining intro for this podcast ever.
Rob Myers:I had more comments just on the intro and like did you finish the podcast or I'll get to it? I'll get to. I'm not a big runner, right? These are friends talking to me that have listened to it. I know you're not but just just listen to the whole thing. It's like I went back and listened to the intro three times. I mean it was a fantastic episode.
Casey Koza:It was a lot of fun, a lot of fun you don't know where one little place is in France and you never hear the end of it Nice is in France. I found out that episode.
David Moore:Yeah, casey, in your defense, I think you opened a four-time Western States winner. He is now a four-time Western States winner. So for anyone listening after Western States 2024, it has become more accurate as it's aged, casey can predict the future.
Rob Myers:I mean, that's the takeaway there.
Casey Koza:Yes, I did see the future. I knew he was going to win. I had all the faith in the world that he was going to win he also. While I'm on the topic of Jim, he could have won the free trail performance of the year with his performance at Western States. I thought it was the best performance of the year. Possibly Vincent Bouliard, as the UTMB champion, was second. I guess I'm not going to question and it's not free trail, it's the voters that decide. I don't think the voters are correct. The hobby jogger performance of the year goes to Jim Walmsley as far as I'm concerned.
David Moore:Yeah, not not even a top five to the voters. I mean it was incredible, I think, being out there and watching it live, casey being there and seeing it. I think everybody went in thinking Jim was going to be an hour ahead or something like that, but the guys pressed them through the entire race. I mean it's an entirely different thing when you have guys, you know, five minutes behind you, 10 minutes behind you, after 70, 80 miles. So it was, it was impressive what he went out there and did, with guys chasing on his heels, everybody out to chase down Jim. It was an incredible performance. We may be biased, we got to watch it live, but it was something to see.
Casey Koza:Yeah, I mean people listening. There is a little bit of I can't say I'm not biased because of Will, like that's hey, will, let's go down and watch the hot spurs and drink some beers. That's my best friend. So I can't say there's not, but I can also. You know, I see things pretty clear and I feel like that was the best race of the year because they did push him.
Casey Koza:They pressured him he wasn't just clear by an hour, like they, any of those nine, 10 guys that had a great day and shout out to Rod Farvard who, who ran his heart out and did he went for it. He didn't just sit back and and he actually was trying to win the race. Dakota Jones as well pushed and wanted to win the race. He ran the race to win it. So, yeah, I think that was the performance of the year and I give the hobby jogger race performance of the year to to Jim Walmsley. So it's not an official Well, no, it is an official award. Now I say it's official. So it's official. Yeah, he's the Hobby Jogger Performance of the Year.
Rob Myers:You can print out whatever awards you want. Man, I got them ready. Yeah, just print them out.
Casey Koza:Yeah, we'll send them something, I don't know, maybe a gift card to Olive Garden, who knows? But yeah, he is the Hobby Jogger Performance of the Year and Katie Scheid is the Women's Performance of the Year at Western State.
Rob Myers:So to me it's official, it's official.
Casey Koza:You guys can have your own opinions on that as well, but that's to me. Those were the two. And yeah, so yeah, jim, tremendous episode. A little bad read on the knowing star Wars. I thought maybe he was a star Wars dork, like his brother will turns out he's not. He just got married on May the fourth because he thought that was pretty cool, which I can respect that. So, yeah, very cool to Jim to do that when we were very early in the hobby jogger didn't have to do it, but you know that's the kind of guy. He is very down to earth and was also cool. David got socked to him after Western States and a little inside info on the race that you know not, maybe everyone else got, but yeah, that was, that was cool. So, yeah, shout out to Jim and him being the hobby jogger performance of the year. Rob, who is your number?
Rob Myers:one Smile or you're doing it wrong. Yes, Mr Andrew Glaze, Shout out Episode five. I mean that guy, he just represents running. I mean, if you follow him on Strava you get tired, you know, just watching everything that he's done, whether he's at the firehouse just doing loops or he's going out to an ultra, or he's going in the sauna, going in the ice bath. I mean the guy's a beast and I think if I had to pick one person that just represents the running community in the most positive way possible and just enjoys the hurt, it's Mr Andrew Glaze. So that is my number one.
Casey Koza:Yeah yeah, my buddy andy, he's man. He's got a lot of haters, so not a lot. He's got some haters out there who are like questioning him on the because la is having some very bad fires right now, and just reading his comments and replies was was pretty cool to see he I posted it to my story on Instagram but he clearly laid out basically how firefighting works. He's out there fighting the fires. That's his full-time job. He's not a full-time runner. I know a lot of people might not believe that, but he's a firefighter and he's out there in California right now fighting fires, so yeah.
Casey Koza:Andrew Glaze, great dude. Smile or you're doing it wrong you can't raise the bar on Andrew.
Rob Myers:The guy's a king, yeah, yeah.
Casey Koza:He's so nice and, you know, immediately said yes. How many episodes were we in for that it? Was episode five Episode five. So immediately said yes, you know, just didn't, didn't could have said, could have just ignored us like maybe some other people have over the last year, which is fine, you know.
Casey Koza:Hey, you know we're just the hobby jogger, we're no one special. But uh immediately said yes, super nice guy, one of my favorite episodes. To do for sure, I have a lot of favorite episodes, so it was really hard to get to the top four. So yeah. Andrew Glaze Smiley or doing it wrong. Yeah, the king of nice. I'll say that the king of nice, because he is, he is Indeed, the king of positivity and good positivity, not just like toxic positivity, but just actually just a positive, you know happy guy.
Casey Koza:So shout out to him Number one on my list. I didn't think either of you would have it on here. I'm pretty certain you wouldn't. Mine goes to also a resident of LA, mr Brian Parker. Anytime I get to talk to someone that talented Emmy nominated, you don't find those people just hanging around anywhere. It's very cool to me.
Rob Myers:Elizabeth Klor was up there.
Casey Koza:She wrote a book. I've never talked to an author before. I've certainly never talked to I forget what Brian called himself Sound guy, sound engineer, sound guy. He's got a new show on HBO. The Pit that he worked on Sounded awesome in the trailer, so I look forward to watching that. But anytime I get to talk to someone that is that good at their job and an art of that is something that I always remember, and I got to talk music with him.
Casey Koza:I've got a lot of new songs on the Swedish death metal genre that I did not know before, and Annie hates them all, which makes me like them even more. So Brian Parker was my number one.
David Moore:Yeah, shout out to Brian as well. Great episode and also the author of our roll in and roll out music. Our intro music is compliments of Brian Parker. So certainly a great contribution to the show and a great episode that was well viewed. Just when he shared that himself all the support he got from his folks and his Instagram and the people around him I know he's out there doing Rob, you'll probably know, I think, what 5K, 10k, a half marathon. He's out to the half marathon distance at this point.
Rob Myers:Well, I'm very happy to announce he is training for his first marathon, which is coming up in two months. So he's training for it. He's sticking to the training. I'm so happy that you picked Brian. I couldn't pick him because he's my brother-in-law, but I'm happy that you did. Yeah, it was a really fun episode. It was good. It was nice to see somebody in a professional recording booth that actually does this for a living. It was nice to see somebody in a professional recording booth that actually does this for a living. So the other the other shout out I'll give is we've had a few challenging recordings where the audio is not the best. We have a decent setup and David and I are. We're still amateurs, but we're getting better. It's been great to have him as a lifeline, just to reach out when we have some audio problems, and he's helped us out a couple of times and the episodes turned out great because of him.
Casey Koza:So, yeah, I think I've mentioned a few times we punch way above our weight when it comes to like having Brian as someone that we can ask for. Like the intro, outro, music, brian, this audio kind of kind of sucks. Can you, can you save it? Yeah, give me, you know, give me 10 minutes, hold on and then whatever it is that he does and however it is that he does it.
Casey Koza:I don't know it's beyond my knowledge and I thank him immensely for that. So yeah, brian Brian Parker who has been uh, he's someone that we don't we had him on the show but we don't talk about him that much but he's been very helpful to us and I know it is your brother-in-law, rob, and I figured you wouldn't pick him and you know it's just kind of just an episode we did, but to me it was. That was my number one episode, cause I don't talk to Emmy nominated artists very often or ever.
Rob Myers:Maybe when he finishes the marathon we'll have him on a Hobby Jogger and Friends episode to talk about it.
Casey Koza:Absolutely, he's invited anytime. Anytime, brian, brian Talk. Well, that is our recap for the 2024 year. In looking ahead to 2025. We sincerely thank all of our listeners that listened to us this year. If you listen to one episode, hey, if you listen to no episodes, somehow find this episode. We certainly. Thank you very much for listening to us and we greatly appreciate it. And, rob David, thank you so much for the work that you put into the show. Without you two, this show wouldn't happen. It wouldn't be a thing. And thank you to all the guests who have come on this year. It was great year and we learned a lot and hopefully we get better.
Rob Myers:So a ton of guests, 35 episodes, fantastic FYI 24. Can't wait for 25.
Casey Koza:We couldn't have done it without the guests. For sure, all of them, it was. It was, hey, you learn a lot and we got to talk to a lot of different people from a lot of different backgrounds. This year it was, it was a lot of fun. So, yeah, looking forward to next year, for sure, david, anything to wrap it up for us? No, thank you guys.
David Moore:Yeah, host and co-host, yeah, you guys come on every every, every week or every other week, depending on schedule and time of the year. But it's been a great year. We've made some good friends connected with great people. I just look forward to the year ahead as we go back out there and we have a couple of races on our schedule Just the ability to get out to these races now and travel and see these familiar faces, the friends that we made doing that and looking forward to the year ahead, appreciate your guys' efforts in making this all happen.
Casey Koza:And thank you for all the editing, david, the hours you spend trying to make me have coherent sounding conversations with people. I certainly appreciate that, and you as well, rob. I've heard I come across very coherent and well, well versed and keeping conversation together, despite my best tries at rambling and adding things on that I shouldn't so. Thank you guys 100 worth it.
Rob Myers:Hours and hours of editing, but, uh, it's a lot of fun it is. You feel very close to our guests at least I do. After hearing the same episode, sometimes 10 times, you realize how special it is and I have a lot of fun doing it and, yeah, this has been a great year looking forward to the next. It's been great working with you. Two guys and you know our extended family, uh, hobby joggers that have been on multiple times. The guys we run with uh go out on the trail, sweat and bleed. It's been great having them on multiple times. So, yeah, david, producing through, all things are possible. Great, powerful. Casey Koza this has been a blast.
Casey Koza:It has been a blast, thank you listeners. Thank you guys, and we look forward to the next episode.